Latar belakang : Maloklusi merupakan variasi biologi, dimana terjadi penyimpangan dari hubungan normal antara gigi-gigi dalam satu lengkung rahang maupun dalam lengkung rahang yang berlawanan. Maloklusi dihubungkan dengan fungsi yang tidak normal dari otot wajah, otot-otot pengunyahan, dan otot-otot lidah. Pada keadaan biasa nampak gigi-geligi anterior rahang atas mengalami protrusi, overbite, overjet yang terlalu besar, serta open bite. Penyebab utamanya mungkin oleh ketidakharmonisan hubungan antara otot-otot intra oral dan otot-otot perioral. Salah satu penanganan awal maloklusi pada anak, utamanya sebagai koreksi protrusif adalah alat oral screen.
Tujuan : Oral screen merupakan salah satu alat efektif yang paling mudah digunakan untuk mengkoreksi protrusif gigi anterior rahang atas. Makalah ini membahas tentang pemakaian oral screen pada koreksi protrusif gigi anterior pasien anak.
Kasus : Seorang anak laki-laki umur 11 tahun, dengan kondisi protrusif gigi anterior rahang atas, dengan maloklusi klas II div.1 datang ke klinik spesialis Ilmu Kedokteran Gigi Anak FKG-UNPAD Bandung, dengan keluhan gigi depan rahang atas lebih maju ke depan, tampak bibir tidak menutup sempurna, serta keluhan fungsi pengunyahan makanan. Pada pengukuran awal didapatkan overjet sebesar 13 mm, dan overbite 8 mm. Setelah pemakaian alat oral screen selama 4 bulan, didapatkan perubahan overjet 9 mm, dan overbite 5 mm.
Kesimpulan : Dari perawatan yang dilakukan pada pasien selama empat bulan dengan menggunakan alat oral screen selama 12-16 jam sehari, terdapat perubahan bermakna secara signifikan pada overjet maupun overbite pasien, disamping itu juga menghasilkan perubahan bentuk profil wajah khususnya pada posisi bibir dan hubungannya dengan gigi geligi anterior pasien.
Kata kunci : Protrusi, Oral screen, maloklusi
The Protrusif Correction using Oral screen for the Child with Malocclusion Class II div. 1 as the early stage of therapy
The background: Malocclusion was the biological variation, where the deviation from normal relations between teeth in one jaw arch happening and in the contradictory jaw arch. Malocclusion was connected with the function that was abnormal from the face muscle, chewing muscles, and tongue muscles. In the situation is normally visible anterior dentures the upper jaw experienced pro-verdigris, overbite, overjet that was too big, as well as open bite. The cause especially possibly by disharmony of the relations between oral muscles and muscles perioral. One of the handlings of malocclusion of the beginning to the child, especially as the correction protrusif was the oral implement screen.
The aim: Oral screen was one of the effective implements that most was easy to be used to correct protrusif anterior teeth the upper jaw.
This paper discussed about the oral use screen in the correction protrusif anterior teeth of the child's patient.
The case: A child of the age man 11 years, with the condition protrusif anterior teeth the upper jaw, with malocclusion of the class of Ii div.1 who came to the specialist dental clinic FKG-UNPAD Bandung. With the chief complaint, the anterior teeth of the upper jaw more went up, apparently the lip did not close perfect, as well as the function complaint of the chewing of food. To the grating of early was obtained overjet as big as 13 mm, and overbite 8 mm. After the use of the oral implement screen for 4 months, was obtained by the change overjet 9 mm, and overbite 5 mm.
The conclusion: from the maintenance that was carried out to the patient for four months by using the oral implement screen for 12-16 hours a day, was gotten by the significant change significantly in overjet and overbite the patient, nearby same produced the change in the form of the appearance of the face especially in the position of the lip and his relations with anterior dentures the patient.
The key word: Protrusif, Oral screen, malocclusion
Dear Drg.Harun Achmad,
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