Thursday, June 24, 2010

Mouth preparation pada anak dengan kelainan Jantung kongenital Tetralogi of Fallot, preOperatif cardiovaskuler

Muhammad Harun Achmad, Kirana L.Gunawan
*Staff Bagian IKGA FKG UNHAS
**Staf Pengajar Bagian Ilmu Bedah Mulut UNPAD

Latar belakang : Angka kejadian kelainan jantung kongenital dibeberapa rumah sakit pendidikan di indonesia mencapai 9 per 1000 bayi lahir hidup (0,8-1,2% menurut WHO). Berdasarkan data tersebut setiap tahun akan ada tambahan sekitar 45 ribu bayi dengan kelainan jantung kongenital. Tetralogi Fallot merupakan salah satu kelainan jantung kongenital sianotik yang paling banyak ditemukan pada anak-anak. Keadaan ini memiliki empat bentuk kelainan yang terdiri dari defek septum ventrikel, overriding aorta, stenosis infundibuler, dan hipertrofi ventrikel dekstra. Seperti halnya kelainan jantung kongenital lainnya, pada Tetralogi Fallot sering terjadi komplikasi yang fatal antara lain endokarditis bakterialis yang berhubungan erat dengan infeksi pada gigi.
Tujuan : Penatalaksanaan anak penderita penyakit kardiovaskuler di bidang Kedokteran Gigi memerlukan penanganan secara utuh, dalam upaya mencegah terjadinya endokarditis bakterialis. Makalah ini membahas keadaan gigi dan mulut serta penatalaksanaannya pada dua kasus anak dengan tetralogi Fallot.
Kasus : Dilaporkan dua pasien anak perempuan datang ke klinik Special Dental Care bagian Bedah Mulut RSHS Bandung dengan kelainan jantung kongenital Tetralogi Fallot untuk dilakukan mouth preparation sebelum dilakukan operasi jantung dijakarta.
Kesimpulan : Seperti halnya kelainan jantung kongenital sianotik lainnya, pada Tetralogi Fallot dapat terjadi komplikasi yang fatal antara lain endokarditis bakterialis. Endokarditis bakterialis disebabkan oleh infeksi bakteri pada katup jantung atau endokardium. Di bidang Kedokteran Gigi, endokarditis bakterialis erat hubungannya dengan infeksi gigi.

Kata kunci : Tetralogi Fallot, penyakit kardiovaskuler, endokarditis bakterialis.


Background : The congenital Figure of the heart defect incident in several of the educational hospital in Indonesia. Almost reached 9 per 1000 babies was born lived (0,8-1,2% according to WHO). Was based on this data every year will have the addition around 45 thousand babies with the congenital heart defect. Tetralogi of Fallot was one of the congenital heart defects cyanotik that often was found to children. This situation had four forms of the deviation that consist of defect the ventricle septum, overriding aorta, stenosis infundibuler, and hypertrophy of the right ventricle. As in the case of the other congenital heart defect, in Tetralogi Fallotoften happened the complication that was fatal in part endokarditis bakterialis that had tight relationship to the infection in teeth.
The aim: The treatment for the child with cardiovaskuler disease, in the Dentistry field needed the handling intact, in an effort to prevent the occurrence endocarditis bacterialis.
This paper discussed about the teeth and the mouth conditions as well as the therapy for him in two cases of the child with tetralogi of Fallot.
The case: was reported the daughter's two patients came to the Special Dental Care clinic, RSHS Bandung with the congenital Tetralogi of Fallot heart defect to be carried out mouth preparation before being carried out by the heart operation in Jakarta.
The conclusion: as in the case of the congenital heart other defect sianotik, in Tetralogi Fallotcould happen the complication that was fatal in part endocarditis bacterialis.
Endocarditis bacterialis was caused by the bacterial infection in the heart valve or endocardium. In the Dentistry field, endocarditis bacterialis tight has relations with the teeth infection.

The key word: Tetralogi of Fallot, cardiovaskuler diseases, endokarditis bacterialis.

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